Featured Article: Product Highlight: Identity Verification – An Encore

Earlier this year, we wrote about our Identity Verification product. In the original article, we talked about what Identity Verification provides and what its capabilities are. In this mini article, however, we wanted to revisit this product with a focus on why it’s so important to verify a person’s identity before engaging with them.

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What is CASS?

If you’re familiar with address data, consumer marketing lists, or the US postal system, you’ve probably dealt with CASS, or The Coding Accuracy Support System. From a ten-thousand-foot view, the USPS’s CASS certification takes a poorly formatted (or erroneous) address and translates it into a standardized and deliverable format. In doing so, it also corrects any errors and spits out a report about what mistakes it found. The process of running an address through CASS is called “CASS Certification.” Let’s take a closer look…

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Product Highlight: Identity Verification

A common need in the data industry is to be able to verify a person’s identity. It’s not always possible to sit across from them at a desk, scan their driver’s license, and verify whether they’re legitimate or not. More often than not, the business is attempting to verify the identity of someone they’ve never had a real interaction with at all. So how is this done?

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How Come I Can’t Search for Celebrities?

Some privacy, please?

And when can I?

This is a more common question than you’d think. Oftentimes, people are testing our data and want to see “how good it actually is.” They’ve already tried searching for themselves and now they’d like to see what comes back for someone else — but who else could they search for? Celebrities come to mind for this mainly because they are popular. So, what’s wrong with searching for a celebrity?

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Class Action Settlements and Beneficiary Tracing

When speaking of class action settlements and beneficiary tracing, it’s important to note the difference between class action lawsuits and traditional lawsuits. A class action lawsuit is inherently different than a traditional lawsuit in that there are many plaintiffs who are suing a business or institution rather than an individual. The plaintiffs are considered a “class” of people. There can be hundreds, thousands, and even millions of people in a class. In this article, we will explore the importance of beneficiary tracing when it comes to class action settlements. Let’s dive in!

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The Do Not Call Registry

How many times have you shouted through your phone at a telemarketer about your number being on the Do Not Call Registry? If you’re anything like me, it’s at least once a week. But what is the Do Not Call Registry and how does it work? In this article we’re going to explore the ins and outs of the DNC and why it’s important.

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Where has all the vital data gone? – Part 2

People Moving

Last time we talked about major life events which can generate data. Things like marriage, divorce, death, and even births. These types of data generally have court records or public filings attached to them.

This time we’ll explore the world of minor life events. These minor events are typically used for marketing purposes but can be used in all sorts of ways outside of that. They can be generated by anything from moving to a new home to getting a new job. So, let’s dive in!

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Where has all the vital data gone?

people in a park

It happens to everyone. Sometime in your late 20’s or mid 30’s all your friends start to disappear. They get married, have children, start families, move away from home, and ultimately join the stream of meaningless updates on your Facebook feed. Seeing them once a week turns into seeing them only during the holidays turns into wondering, “whatever happened to them?”

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What is “The Box” and why are we banning it?

Have you ever filled out a job application which asks the question, “have you ever been convicted of a crime?” with a little checkbox next to it? That’s “the box” that everyone’s talking about.

For many years, HR professionals across the nation were relying on this box to pre-screen applicants without ever conducting a compliant background check.

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How is AI being used in the data industry? Pt 2

In our previous article we talked about predictive AI and how it can be used in the data industry to model human behavior, identify fraud, and predict future events. We also talked about the difficulty with creating predictive models with a lack of ground-truth data.

In this article, we’ll talk about deep learning, image classification, and facial recognition. These are all pretty spicy topics in a very complex industry, so let’s get started.

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How is AI being used in the data industry? Pt. 1

There has been a lot of talk about AI over the last few months – mostly because of generative AI platforms like ChatGPT, Github Copilot, Stable Diffusion, and DALL-E – just to name a few. But how exactly are these technologies being used in the data industry?

We’ll answer all of that and more in this multi-part series entitled, “How is AI being used in the data industry?”

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